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movie, Love Lies Bleeding

페이지 정보

작성자 AniqGaudi
댓글 0건 조회 1,473회 작성일 2024-01-31 20:50


movie, Love Lies Bleeding

Gym manager Lou (Kristen Stewart) is introduced with her hand down a clogged toilet. She will spend a lot of the next two hours cleaning up much worse messes in Rose Glass’ powerful “Love Lies Bleeding,” a sexy, brutal, violent, kinetic piece of filmmaking that’s about, well, love, lies, and bleeding. It’s a gut punch about a steroid-using bodybuilder that’s on roids itself, getting bolder and more cinematically muscular with each subsequent twist. A few of the daringly ambitious punches don’t completely land, especially in a frenetic final act, but it’s a minor complaint for a film that confirms that Glass is a major talent with an uncompromising vision.

Lou lives in one of those middle of nowhere towns that the American dream forgot. Set at the end of the prime of the musclebound hero era in 1989, Glass sketches a remote town in New Mexico that looks like it literally traps people in cycles of violence. Lou has a locally famous family in that her father Lou Sr. (a wonderfully seedy Ed Harris) is basically the town’s crime lord. The owner of a gun range, he’s running weapons across the border, and has been disposing of his enemies in a nearby ravine, possibly even Lou’s mother. Lou’s sister Beth (Jena Malone) struggles under the pain of domestic abuse at the hands of her awful husband JJ (a mulleted Dave Franco). Into this vat of lighter fluid drops the flame that is Jackie (Katy O’Brian), a bodybuilder just stopping off to train on her way to a contest in Las Vegas. She’s like nothing Lou has ever seen. They fall in love, alternating injections of steroids with other kinds of strenuous physical activity. The charismatic O’Brian play Jackie like a literal superhero, getting stronger with each shot of either steroids or Lou’s commitment to her, but her Bruce Banner ultimately has a dark side too.

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