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Movie Reviews

movie, The Teachers' Lounge

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작성자 AniqGaudi
댓글 0건 조회 846회 작성일 2024-01-14 22:59


movie, The Teachers' Lounge

It's not easy to make an intense thriller about things that happen every day. But when one appears, it's glorious.

Ilker Çatak’s "The Teacher's Lounge" is glorious. It's probably the best thriller of this type since "Uncut Gems," another movie where just watching realistic characters making bad decisions was so nerve-wracking that it made you want to crawl under your seat. I don't know if it quite earns the somewhat muted, art cinema-styled, "It's up to you to decide what happens next" ending that it ultimately gives us; but that's a tiny fraction of the movie's compact running time, which otherwise puts us in the headspace of a young teacher at a German secondary school where an outbreak of stealing has made everyone paranoid and edgy, leading them to make choices they're going to regret later, if they have a shred of decency (some of them may not).

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