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movie, Under the Fig Trees

페이지 정보

작성자 AniqGaudi
댓글 0건 조회 1,111회 작성일 2024-02-04 21:26


movie, Under the Fig Trees

Faces and fruits flourish in the resplendent Tunisian ensemble piece “Under the Fig Trees,” from French-born director Erige Sehiri, which maps the interpersonal relationships, mostly romantic ones, among the men and women informally hired to harvest figs by hand over the course of a single workday. Located a short ride from a small town, where everyone knows what goes on in their neighbors’ lives and forms unrequited opinions about them, the orchard, like any other workplace, bears witness to both conflict and camaraderie.

Ranging in age and skillfulness, the underpaid and overworked group labors with strict instructions to carefully handle the branches—breaking one is a cardinal offense—and to avoid picking unripe figs or crushing them during sorting. Their young, but no less exploitative boss Saber (Fedi Ben Achour) supervises with punishing, hawk-like ferocity.

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