Democrats Warn Their Voters Against Backing Haley in South Carolina > News Clips

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Democrats Warn Their Voters Against Backing Haley in South Carolina

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댓글 0건 조회 999회 작성일 24-02-04 21:04


Democrats Warn Their Voters Against Backing Haley in South Carolina

South Carolina Democrats, working to turn out a show of force for President Joe Biden in their party’s primary Saturday, would like to remind their voters that Nikki Haley is not the moderate Republican that some may believe her to be.

In recent weeks, party leaders have made Haley a particular focus of their events across the state, calling her the “mother of the MAGA movement” and regaling attendees with lists of the ultraconservative policies she championed in her two terms as governor.

For any Democrat thinking about skipping Saturday’s primary and participating instead in the Republican contest three weeks later, the party’s message is very clear: Don’t.

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“I had to sue her to get married,” Colleen Condon, who is gay and the South Carolina Democrats’ first nonbinary vice chair, told fellow party members at the party’s First in the Nation dinner Saturday. “Do not let your friends go vote in that primary. Please.”

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