Key takeaways from Tuesday's primaries: Warning signs for Trump, Biden; Moreno wins Ohio GOP Senate primary > News Clips

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Key takeaways from Tuesday's primaries: Warning signs for Trump, Biden…

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작성자 Gaudi2525
댓글 0건 조회 443회 작성일 24-03-20 17:29


Key takeaways from Tuesday's primaries: Warning signs for Trump, Biden; Moreno wins Ohio GOP Senate primary

As this year’s presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, President Biden and former President Donald Trump swept Tuesday’s uncontested primaries in Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Illinois and Kansas, adding hundreds of additional delegates to their respective tallies and continuing their unimpeded march to the summer conventions, where they will formally accept their parties’ nominations.

But this week’s contests weren't entirely devoid of drama, especially with a pivotal US Senate primary in Ohio. Here are some key takeaways from the latest round.

Resistance remains

It’s no secret that significant numbers of Democrats and Republicans don’t want to nominate Biden and Trump (again).

Even now, 21% of potential GOP primary voters prefer “someone else” over Trump, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — while a full 35% of their Democratic-leaning counterparts prefer someone else over Biden.

But will that resistance keep materializing at the ballot box? Or will it subside now that the contested phase of the 2024 primary season is petering out?

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