Yellowstone hiker gives picture-perfect demonstration of how NOT to photograph bison > News Clips

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Yellowstone hiker gives picture-perfect demonstration of how NOT to ph…

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작성자 Gaudi2525
댓글 0건 조회 1,940회 작성일 24-03-07 10:55


Yellowstone hiker gives picture-perfect demonstration of how NOT to photograph bison

Bison injure more people at Yellowstone National Park than any other animal, and one tourist has delivered a perfect demonstration of why. While visiting the park, the man decided to get some close-up pictures of the wildlife. and approached a herd of bison so close, he must have been able to smell them.

In a video shot by another park visitor, the amateur photographer can be seen crouching down right in front of one animal, which is holding its tail erect in a typical display of aggression. Rather than backing away, as visitors are advised when an animal is agitated, the man holds his ground until the bison's nose is almost touching his lens.

Luckily for him, this seems to be a young animal that's more curious than aggressive, otherwise he may have found himself in the same situation as the two women who were hospitalized after being gored by bison at US National Parks last summer. Both survived, but suffered serious abdominal injuries from the animals' sharp horns.

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